King and the Faqir: A Story by Deepak Budki


There was a king who was worried about his country where the rich were growing richer & the poor were becoming poorer. The rich were working hard, innovating and using the skills of others to create wealth besides keeping their families small. On the contrary, the poor who were in the majority were content with whatever they got and took refuge in sex and producing children. 

He heard about a travelling Faqir who had visited his kingdom and was very wise, so he invited him to his court and asked how to solve the problem. The Faqir advised him to get all the wealth, mobile and immobile, of people mapped and then redistribute it equitably to all so that everybody became equal. 

The king formed a committee and the wealth of people was mapped. After that, the suggestion of Faqir was immediately implemented and every individual had equal wealth now. The majority of people became happy as they became rich without putting in any hard work. Those who lost wealth became dismayed but couldn't help being productive. The country moved on though now the rate of progress had slowed down.

After about 10 yrs the Wise Faqir revisited the place to find out how his suggestion had worked. To his surprise, he found the wealth had again gone back into the hands of the productive rich and the others had lost all the money given to them free except a few who had learnt how to utilise the capital in their possession.

The Faqir learnt that the King was in search of him and wanted to hang him. The poor fellow ran away under the darkness of night not to be seen again.
