Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vedic Adab aur Urdu, ویدک ادب اور اردو: (Urdu/تبصرہ ); Author: Dr Ajay Malviya; Reviewer: Deepak Budki

Vedic Adab Aur Urdu,
 ویدک ادب اور اردو ;(Urdu/تبصرہ )
Author: Dr Ajay Malviya;Reviewer: Deepak Budki


  1. Your review on Ajay Maviya's book is excellent. It is crisp, real and rational. Even the thought of connecting Urdu with the writing or language of Vedas is unthinkable. Vedas were written when the Urdu was not even born. The imaginary combination of Ur and Du is trivial and unacceptable. You have very rightly pointed out these vagaries of imagination. I immensely liked your review.
    Yes cataloguing of all Urdu books on Vedas is commendable.

    1. Thanks Bimal Misri Sahab for your objective comments.
